Arts and Crafts

1922746157It can be hard to find the right words…

… especially when you meet someone new.

You might be nervous or intimidated to express yourself, especially when others have harmed you in the past. They have not listened, heard you, or validated your feelings. Your message also may have been misconstrued.

It’s a risk for you to be open and vulnerable.

The good news is that communication can take many forms.

Making art with someone else…

… is another way of starting a conversation.

When the words won’t come, or you aren’t ready to talk, sitting down with someone else to either work on a piece together or work on separate pieces side-by-side is a low-stress and less pressured way to get to know them or to ease into conversations about how something went in your week.

As you are making art, it may become easier to find the words.

Spending time creatively also reduces worry and creates calmness.

Art making is all about the experience, the process, and what you gain from it.

We especially value that it makes us feel better: less stressed, calmer, and able to check in with ourselves and others.

And let’s not forget how proud and satisfied you might feel with your creation! No expectations or judgments here. We love the process for the process, and it’s fun when you create something that you love.

613473959Peer Support: Heal Through Creativity

Peer Support allows building a connection based on mutual respect and valuing one another’s humanity. As you feel supported, your ability to create with us will blossom.

Just like a bamboo plant needs years to grow a strong foundation, you, too, will be nurtured as you grow with us over time. It all starts with a tiny seedling of hope for your future.

See where a strong foundation of experiencing connection can lead you. Give us a try. Bring along the supplies you’ll use and create with us.